Clients I work with are successful in most areas of their life. Their priorities are:
Social Skydiving Academy’s reputation is results driven so application is only limited to clients who posses the coachability and determination to learn and execute new skillsets.
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We'll speak with you to understand more about your dating experience and figure out your goals
We'll strategize and make a personalized action plan based on your unique goals and circumstances
We'll make you an offer to help you reach your goals, or do it on your own, the choice is yours
Hello, my name is Malcolm. Relationship and Dating Coach here at Social Skydiving Academy which I founded in 2015. I started my journey of personal development as an extremely shy person. In fact, I was a nerd who suffered from clinically diagnosed social anxiety, skinny with negative body image issues, had zero confidence in myself and non-existent self-esteem to boot. It was a dark and troubling time in my life. The isolation I experienced from not knowing how to interact with people caused me to linger in a depressive state for years. As a result, I used computer game addiction as a coping mechanism.
Then something happened, I got tired of being a loser and feeling lonely all the time. I realised I could continue to wallow in self-pity for the rest of my life OR take massive, determined action. Thus I made the decision to learn how to be a confident and social man to get a girlfriend in my life. I was so desperate to find one true thing that really works that I ended up emptying my entire savings as a student working part-time. Purchasing pretty much every single book, article, video and product on the topic of dating.
However, after I consumed this mass of knowledge, I was disappointed to realise I could not find this “one true thing” that actually works. Although I did get some benefit from all this knowledge, many of these teachings advocated for me to pretend to be someone i’m not. Furthermore they used tricks to manipulate others which was morally unethical to me. Ultimately I gained little to no results as many of their teachings are only usable in the Western context. I realised they did not apply in Singapore at all.
That was then I decided to figure it out for myself by turning my life into a giant experiment. I would come up with hypotheses about how social dynamics, interpersonal interactions and attraction works and test them rigorously myself in real life. The start of my journey went horribly wrong, I met with countless failures and painful lessons. I made pretty much every mistake someone could make and had no results to show for. It was a difficult time in my journey, however, the pain and suffering led me to revelations on how to evoke innate change and evolve into the greater version of myself.
As I started to understand the revelations and epiphanies I experienced. My personal and dating life transformed exponentially the more I applied them. After I really figured things out, I could easily form genuine connections with attractive women and managed to lead the life I have always dreamed of.
More than that, I was able to help other men improve their own lives as well. I decided to start teaching others the same way I wished someone would have taught me when I started on my journey. For the past 5 years, I have dedicated my life as a dating coach to help hundreds of Singaporean men. I do this because it is incredibly rewarding and fulfilling for me.
With the assistance of my elite team of instructors and wing girls. I have been imparting Singaporean men with the tools, strategies, and techniques to accelerate their growth and overcome any obstacles they may encounter on their journey towards improving their romantic and social lives. Rather than provide pieces to a puzzle, I create individualized blueprints to success for my students.
My specialization is in personal growth, self-development and coaching others to become a confident and charismatic man. The mission of Social Skydiving is to empower Singaporean men with the social skills, emotional intelligence, and dating and relationship strategies to find greater happiness and fulfillment in life. To equip them with a proven system for achieving success in their social lives, dating lives, and love lives, and to deliver a total solution for excellence in relationships and lifestyle.
My team will send you a Whatsapp message to confirm our strategy call within 1 business day. Zoom conferencing details will be sent to your email.
If you’re like the vast majority of my clients who are ready to think deeply, execute relentlessly, and follow through with conviction, I greatly look forward to speaking with you and am excited for the progress we will make together.
– Executive Coach Malcolm